Support us

Would you like to support The Counterpoints? We have good news! On the 10th of August 2017 The Counterpoints Foundation (Stichting The Counterpoints) was appointed as Cultural ANBI-Foundation (cultural non-profit foundation) by the Dutch tax administration. This means that gifts to The Counterpoints Foundation are tax-deductible from your Dutch income.
With your donation you can help us realize our cultural and educational projects. You can find our Policy Plan and more information about the Foundation and its activities on the page Stichting.

Tax advantage

Supporters of a cultural ANBI-foundation can profit from an extra deductible. Private donors may deduct 125% of their donation for their Dutch income tax. Companies that pay corporate tax (vennootschapsbelasting) may deduct 150% of the donation for their Dutch corporate income tax. Click here for more information about donations and deductibles.

You can transfer your donation to bank account number: NL79 INGB 0007 9080 75 (BIC-code: INGBNL2A).